Kennesaw, GA 30144
iZe Web Design Support Information
Monthly Support and Per Incident options are available whether we designed your website or it was made by someone else.
Support options
   Monthly support - $1000
   Per Incident - $400
Support Details
1. Answering questions you have directly (we would not be able to answer
questions on your behalf to your clients) about the website configuration
or about any software utilized by the website.
2. Making minor modifications to the website code to accomodate changes to
the business or organization.
3. Making minor modifications to the software utilized within your site.
4. Applying updates to any software utilized by the site as updates are released.
5. Applying updates to the website html and stylesheets to accomodate standard
6. Updating existing pictures.
7. Fixing any errors found in any code we created (errors in code created by another web developer would need to be evaluated prior to making changes to address errors).
8. Optimizing Keywords, titles, and image tags for Search Engines.
9. Maintaining and updating a sitemap to improve search engine optimization.
10. Generating reports for tracking web traffic.
Recommended Maintenance
The following are recommended at least once a month and if you opt for a
monthly support contract would be included as monthly
1. Test the website functionality, correct or remove broken links.
2. Clean up the website's database as needed. (if website utilizes a database)
3. Provide an offsite backup of the website database. (backups would be
retained for up to 6 months)
If you think you will need more involved support than this on a regular
basis let us know and we can discuss additional options.
Anything not included in support would be considered a separate project,
and would be scheduled based on other ongoing projects.
The monthly support option does not require a term or contract. If you want support and the fee is paid by the first week of the month you are covered for that month, if it is after the first week you would pay per incidence.
Monthly support can be billed by invoice, to recieve an invoice E-mail admin@izewebdesign or subscribed to via paypal on the services page.
To request a support incidence go to the Services page and click the add to cart button for Support Incidence.